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Chapter 3: Special topics in mediation analysis

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Table 3.2, pp. 127-130: Monte Carlo simulation study of indirect effects based on media example 3.2 3.2 .inp N/A
Table 3.5, pp. 133-135: Monte Carlo simulation study of moderation of m regressed on x 3.5 3.5 .inp N/A
Table 3.7, p. 136: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation using DEFINE to create xz interaction 3.7 3.7 .inp Generated by 3.5
Table 3.8, p. 137: Monte Carlo simulation study of moderation of y regressed on m using x as moderator (exposure-mediator interaction) 3.8 3.8 .inp N/A
Table 3.9, pp. 139-140: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation with an omitted moderator and both xz and z omitted 3.9 3.9 .inp Generated by 3.5
Table 3.10, pp. 139-140: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation with an omitted moderator and xz omitted 3.10 3.10 .inp Generated by 3.5
Table 3.13, pp. 143-145: Monte Carlo simulation study of two mediators and no direct effect 3.13 3.13 .inp N/A
Table 3.16, pp. 146-147: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation for two mediators analyzed as a single mediator model 3.16 3.16 .inp Generated by 3.13
Table 3.19, p. 150: Monte Carlo simulations study of c confounding of m to y 3.19 3.19 .inp N/A
Table 3.21, p. 152: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation ignoring c confounding of the regression of y on m 3.21 3.21 .inp Generated by 3.19
Table 3.23, pp. 156-157: External (step 2) Monte Carlo simulation using IV estimation ignoring x confounding of m to y 3.23 3.23 .inp Generated by 3.19
Table 3.25, p. 163: Moderated mediation for sex discrimination data with a sensitivity plot 3.25 3.25 .inp protest.txt*
Table 3.26, pp. 166-167: Monte Carlo simulation study generating data with residual correlation 0.30 and analyzing with rho fixed at 0.30 3.26 3.26 .inp N/A
Table 3.28, p. 173: Two-group analysis of moderated mediation for sex discrimination example 3.28 3.28 .inp protest.txt*
Table 3.29, p. 174: Two-group analysis of moderated mediation for sex discrimination example allowing group-varying slopes 3.29 3.29 .inp protest.txt*
Table 3.30, p. 175: Two-group analysis of moderated mediation for sex discrimination example allowing group-varying slopes and estimating indirect and direct effects 3.30 3.30 .inp protest.txt*
Table 3.31, pp. 180-181: Monte Carlo simulation study of measurement error in the mediator 3.31 3.31 .inp protest.txt*

* This data set was downloaded from the website for the Andrew Hayes mediation book.

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