February 13, 2025
Mplus at a Glance
General Description
Mplus Programs
Version History
System Requirements
Mplus Demo Version
Mplus Web Talks
Short Courses
Short Course Videos
and Handouts
Web Training
Mplus YouTube Channel
Mplus User's Guide
Mplus Diagrammer
Technical Appendices
Mplus Web Notes
User's Guide Examples
Mplus Book
Mplus Book Examples
Mplus Book Errata
Mplus Examples
Special Mplus Topics
Bayesian SEM (BSEM)
Complex Survey Data
DSEM – MultiLevel Time Series Analysis
Exploratory SEM (ESEM)
Measurement Invariance and Alignment
Mediation Analysis
Missing Data
Mixture Modeling
Multilevel Modeling
Randomized Trials
Structural Equation Modeling
Survival Analysis
Using Mplus via R -
Mplus plotting using R
H5 results
Chi-Square Difference
Test for MLM and MLR
Power Calculation
Monte Carlo Utility
Mplus Website Updates
Mplus Privacy Policy
VPAT/508 Compliance
Mplus FAQs
1-1-1-1 indirect effect
3-way interaction in two-level regression
Alignment R-square
ANOVA using SEM in Mplus
Bayes block diagonal covariance matrices
Bayesian analysis using the PX parameterization
BCH with direct effect from covariate to indicator
Between and Within covariance matrices
Between-level differences in within-level variances
Between-level residual for each cluster
Bi-factor compared to correlated factors model
Bi-factor model not identified for 6 items and 2 specific factors.
BIC citations of interest - how big a difference
Binary item measurement invariance testing
Blanks in the data - how to find them
Bootstrap P-value
Bootstrap problems
Bootstrap with WLSMV and TYPE=COMPLEX
BSEM input for groups and timepoints
CFI differences between programs
Class counts for between level latent class variable
Class counts with weights
Class order change using SVALUES
Class probabilities held equal across time
Class probabilities with Bayes
Condition number
Confidence intervals for estimated means in GMM
Correlations for categorical variables
Count regression with different length of exposure uses an offset - also for modeling proportions
Covariates – analysis conditioned on covariates
Covariates – bringing them into the model
Cross-level effect plotted by LOOP
Delta method and Sobel
Diagram without analysis
Different number of variables in different groups
Distal outcome regressed on an intercept growth factor at different time points
EFA - number of parameters
EFA with factors as indicators
ESEM with second-order factors
Estimator choices with categorical outcomes
Factor scores
First-order derivative message
and Deviance
GLM with log link and Poisson regression for continuous variables
GMM analysis strategies
Heckman modeling
ICC changes from one model to another
ICCs for 3-level
IRT parameterization - when is it printed?
IRT parameterization for the graded response model
IRT parameterization using Mplus thresholds
K-means clustering versus LCA
Lambda is not compatible with the notion of simplicity of the rotation criterion
Latent change score modeling scripts
Latent variable decomposition of X in 2-level models with algorithm=integration
Latent variable interactions
Latent variable interaction LOOP plot
Level-2 R-square decreasing when adding level-1 covariate
LTA - Movers can stay
LTA Mover-Stayer - Why some Movers are staying
LTA predicting specific transitions
LTA with Movers-Stayers
LTA with transition probs varying as a function of covariates
Making an observed categorical variable u equivalent to a latent class variable c
Marginal Effects
MCAR testing for frequency table
MCMC iteration convergence in Mplus
Measurement Error In A Single Indicator
Mediation: Index of moderated mediation
Mediation: Indirect effect insignificant while both paths significant
Mediation: Effects using a 4-way decomposition
Mediation: Effects with ordinal outcome
Mediation: multiple mediators
Mediation: treatment of categorical mediator
Missing data indicator creation
Missing on x's
Missingness fraction
Moderated mediation short
Moderated mediation simulation
Mplus Command Line FAQ
Multilevel discrete-time survival analysis
Multilevel explained variance – fixed and random
Multiple cohort GMM
Multiple group analysis using multivariate format: A DSEM Example
Multiple imputation using Bayes and ML
Multiple Imputation versus FIML
N vs N-1
Non-linear growth modeling - cosine
Non-recursive model not consistent
Numerical integration range
Odds ratio confidence interval from logOR estimate and SE
Odds ratio interpretation for categorical distal outcomes using DCAT
Odds ratio interpretation with a nominal DV in multinomial logistic regression
Odds ratios from thresholds of binary distal outcomes in mixtures
Odds ratios with asterisks and 999 for c ON x
Parallel process growth mixture model
Pause during Mplus analysis
Probabilities for nominal latent class indicators
Propensity score
R-square by McFadden
Random coefficient regression
Random variance - logv
Reciprocal interaction with categorical and continuous DVs inadmissible using ML
Reference group change in multiple-group scalar invariance
Regressing on a residual
Reliability - Omega coefficient in Mplus
Reliability - Cronbach's alpha
Reliability - binary and ordinal items
RI-CLPM Hamaker example
Saddle point
Saddle point technical documentation
Simple slopes testing
Skewness and kurtosis
Standardization in growth models
Standardized coefficient greater than 1
Standardized coefficient can have different significance than unstandardized
Standardized estimates for nominal, count and survival variables
Standardized estimates using DSEM
Standardized estimates with random slopes
TECH1 without analysis
TECH8 – negative ABS changes
Testing 1 versus 2 factors
Testing factor models using MLR diff test
Testing of factor corr=1
TLI fit index: Unusual values
The variance of a dependent variable as a function of latent variables that have an interaction is discussed in Mooijaart and Satorra
Threshold placement in multilevel mixtures
Twolevel regression with singular between covariance matrix
Two-level vs single-level WLSMV
Two-part estimated means
UG ex11.5 imputation clarification
u-star scores
WARNING One or more individual-level variables have no within-cluster variance
Zero cells