July 27, 2024
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Mplus Version 7.1 New Examples

Examples from Muthén keynote address at the UConn M3 conference, May 22, 2013.

Download the keynote address handout and video here.

  1. Slide 13: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using ML MG-CFA with scalar invariance and modification indices.1
  2. Slide 21: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using alignment: Free and Fixed runs.1
  3. Slide 31: Hospital 67 quality management two-level factor analysis with random intercepts (Lambda_W=Lambda_B, Theta_B=0).
  4. Slide 33: Hospital 67 quality management alignment using ML.
  5. Slide 38: PISA 40 country binary math item alignment using Bayes.2
  6. Slide 44: Baltimore aggressive-disruptive behavior alignment (imposing invariance of residual variances to avoid problems with groups having zero variance for certain items).
  7. Slide 51: Hospital 67 quality management alignment using Bayes, Bayes with residual correlations, and BSEM with residual correlations.

Examples from Muthén workshop at the UConn M3 conference, May 23, 2013: Advances in Latent Variable Modeling Using Mplus Version 7.

Download the workshop handout here.

  1. Slide 80: Holzinger-Swineford 4-group run with Model = Configural, Metric, Scalar.
  2. Slide 84: NESARC binary item 2-group bi-factor CFA with Model=Configural, Metric, Scalar and Type=Complex.
  3. Slide 86: Baltimore TOCA 2-group ESEM with Model=Configural, Metric, Scalar.
  4. Slide 90: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using ML MG-CFA with scalar invariance and modification indices.1
  5. Slide 91: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using alignment: Free and Fixed runs.1
  6. Slide 95: PISA 40-country analysis of binary math items.2

Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 13: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using ML MG-CFA with scalar invariance and modification indices.
Example 1 slide13.inp issp.txt slide13.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 21: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using alignment: Free and Fixed runs.
Free run slide21free.inp issp.txt slide21free.out
Fixed run slide21fixed.inp issp.txt slide21fixed.out
Fixed run, ASTARTS = 200 slide21v711.inp issp.txt slide21v711.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 31: Hospital 67 quality management two-level factor analysis with random intercepts (Lambda_W=Lambda_B, Theta_B=0).
Example 1 slide31.inp N/A slide31.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 33: Hospital 67 quality management alignment using ML.
Example 1 slide33.inp N/A slide33.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 38: PISA 40 country binary math item alignment using Bayes.
Example 1 slide38.inp pisa2003.dat slide38.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 44: Baltimore aggressive-disruptive behavior alignment (imposing invariance of residual variances to avoid problems with groups having zero variance for certain items).
Example 1 slide44.inp N/A slide44.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 51: Hospital 67 quality management alignment using Bayes, Bayes with residual correlations, and BSEM with residual correlations.
Bayes slide51bayes.inp N/A slide51bayes.out
Bayes with residual correlations slide51bayesRC.inp N/A slide51bayesRC.out
BSEM with residual correlations slide51BSEMRC.inp N/A slide51BSEMRC.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 80: Holzinger-Swineford 4-group run with Model = Configural, Metric, Scalar.
Example 1 slide80.inp H-S Combined.txt slide80.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 84: NESARC binary item 2-group bi-factor CFA with Model=Configural, Metric, Scalar and Type=Complex.
Example 1 slide84.inp N/A slide84.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 86: Baltimore TOCA 2-group ESEM with Model=Configural, Metric, Scalar.
Example 1 slide86.inp N/A slide86.out
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 90: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using ML MG-CFA with scalar invariance and modification indices.
Example 1 See Keynote files See Keynote files See Keynote files
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 91: Davidov Nationalism & Patriotism for 34 countries using alignment: Free and Fixed runs.
Free Run See Keynote files See Keynote files See Keynote files
Fixed Run See Keynote files See Keynote files See Keynote files
Fixed Run, ASTARTS = 200 See Keynote files See Keynote files See Keynote files
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Type of Analysis Input file Data file Output file
Slide 95: PISA 40-country analysis of binary math items.
Example 1 See Keynote files See Keynote files See Keynote files
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1. Davidov (2009). Measurement equivalence of nationalism and constructive patriotism in the ISSP: 34 countries in a comparative perspective. Political Analysis, 17, 64-82. Link to original data source here.

2. See Chapter 7.6 of Fox (2010). Bayesian Item Response Modeling. Springer.