- Asparouhov, T. & Muthén, B. (2010). Resampling methods in Mplus for complex survey data.
- Asparouhov, T. & Muthén, B. (2008). Scaling of sampling weights for two level models in Mplus 4.2.
- Asparouhov, T. & Muthén, B. (2008). Pearson and log-likelihood chi-square test of fit for latent class analysis estimated with complex samples.
Asparouhov, T. & Muthén, B. (2007). Computationally efficient estimation of multilevel high-dimensional latent variable models. Proceedings of the 2007 JSM meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology.
Asparouhov, T. & Muthen, B. (2007). Testing for informative weights and weights trimming in multivariate modeling with survey data. Proceedings of the 2007 JSM meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, Section on Survey Research Methods.
Asparouhov, T. & Muthen, B. (2006). Comparison of estimation methods for complex survey data analysis.
Asparouhov, T. & Muthen, B. (2006). Multilevel modeling of complex survey data. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting in Seattle, August 2006. ASA section on Survey Research Methods, 2718-2726.
- Asparouhov, T. (2006). General multi-level modeling with sampling weights. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Volume 35, Number 3, 2006, pp. 439-460(22). An earlier version of this paper appeared as Mplus Web Notes: No. 8 with the title Weighting for unequal
probability of selection in multilevel modeling. Refer to Mplus Web Notes: No. 8 for more details. Refer to Mplus Papers for the abstract.
- Asparouhov, T. (2005). Sampling weights in latent variable modeling. Structural Equation Modeling, 12, 411-434. A previous version of this article appeared as Mplus Web Notes: No. 7. Refer to Mplus Papers for the abstract.
- Asparouhov, T. and Muthén, B. (2005). Multivariate Statistical Modeling with Survey Data. Proceedings of the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) Research Conference. Refer to Mplus Papers for the abstract.
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