June 30, 2024
Mplus at a Glance
General Description
Mplus Programs
Version History
System Requirements
Mplus Demo Version
Mplus Web Talks
Short Courses
Short Course Videos
and Handouts
Web Training
Mplus YouTube Channel
Mplus User's Guide
Mplus Diagrammer
Technical Appendices
Mplus Web Notes
User's Guide Examples
Mplus Book
Mplus Book Examples
Mplus Book Errata
Mplus Examples
Special Mplus Topics
Bayesian SEM (BSEM)
Complex Survey Data
DSEM – MultiLevel Time Series Analysis
Exploratory SEM (ESEM)
Measurement Invariance
and Alignment
Mediation Analysis
Missing Data
Mixture Modeling
Multilevel Modeling
Randomized Trials
Structural Equation Modeling
Survival Analysis
Using Mplus via R -
Mplus plotting using R
H5 results
Chi-Square Difference
Test for MLM and MLR
Power Calculation
Monte Carlo Utility
Mplus Website Updates
Mplus Privacy Policy
VPAT/508 Compliance

Frequently Asked Questions about Mplus on Mac OS X

  1. Where is Mplus installed?
  2. How do I find out which Mplus version I have?
  3. Can Mplus run on Mac OS X Lion?
  4. Are Mplus examples provided with the Mplus installation?
  5. How do I access a second hard drive or a networked drive in the Mplus Editor?
  6. When running Mplus on Mac OS X from the command line, the output file still says "Mplus Version 6.11" even though I have installed Mplus Version 6.12.
  7. Mplus fails to read the data I have converted from SPSS or Excel. Why?
  8. The Mac OS X tutorial refers to mplus_setup.inp, but I can't find that file. How do I run Mplus from the command line?
  9. How do I open a Terminal window?
  10. How do I change directory in the Terminal app?
  11. How do I view Mplus plots on the Mac?

Question: Where is Mplus installed?
Answer: In Version 6.12, the default installation location is /Applications/Mplus. In Version 6.11, the default installation location is /Users/myaccount/Applications/mplus6.11. To determine the location of the Mplus executable, open the Terminal app and type the following command
which mplus

The which command will print the location of the mplus executable.

Question: How do I find out which Mplus version I have?
Answer: Open the Terminal app and type the following command
mplus -version

Note that there is a space between "mplus" and "-version" but no spaces between the hyphen and "version". "-version" is one word. The Mplus version will be printed to the screen.

Question: Can Mplus run on Mac OS X Lion?
Answer: Yes, Mplus can run on Mac OS X Lion, the latest version of Mac OS X.

Question: Are Mplus examples provided with the Mplus installation?
Answer: Yes, the Mplus examples are stored in the Examples folder in the Mplus folder under Applications.

Question: How do I access a second hard drive or a networked drive in the Mplus Editor?
Answer: To access a second hard drive or a networked drive, go to "Macintosh HD" in the Open file dialog. Then choose "Volumes". From there, all hard drives and networked drives should be listed and can be selected.

Question: When running Mplus on Mac OS X from the command line, the output file still says "Mplus Version 6.11" even though I have installed Mplus Version 6.12.
Answer: Installation of Mplus Version 6.12 does not automatically uninstall Version 6.11. You must go to the folder for Version 6.11 and run the "uninstall_mplus" app. If Version 6.11 is not uninstalled, then this will cause a conflict with Version 6.12 when running Mplus from the command line.

Question: Mplus fails to read the data I have converted from SPSS or Excel. Why?
Answer: When Mplus fails to read a data file that has been converted to an ASCII file from SPSS or Excel on Mac OS X, the most common cause of the problem is the end-of-line character sequence. Mac OS X uses the LF end-of-line sequence. Linux/Unix operating systems use the CR end-of-line sequence. Windows operating systems use the CRLF end-of-line sequence. Mplus can read CR or CRLF end-of-line sequence but not LF end-of-line sequence used by Mac OS X.

To determine if this is the cause of the Mplus data reading error, open the file on a Windows operating system and use Notepad to open the file. If all lines look like they have been combined into one long line, then this is an indication that the file has the LF end-of-line sequence. You can also look at this file using the more command in the Terminal window. If there are many ^M characters visible, then the file has LF end-of-line sequence. Here is an example of the more command:

more mydata.dat

The more command displays one full screen of the file at a time. Press the q key to quit more or spacebar to advance to the next page.

In the Terminal window, you can convert the file to a file with the correct line ending using perl. Type the following command at the Terminal prompt:

perl -pi -e 's/\r/\n/g' mydata.dat

Note that the file will be overwritten and no message will be printed when the process finishes. You should make a copy of the file before executing this command. Use the more command again to view the file to see if the ^M characters remain.

Question: The Mac OS X tutorial refers to mplus_setup.inp, but I can't find that file. How do I run Mplus from the command line?
Answer: The mplus_setup.inp referred to in the tutorial is just a placeholder. You need to replace this file with the name of the input file you want to run. To run Mplus on the command line, type the following command
mplus filename

replacing filename with the name of your input file. For example, to run Mplus on example ex3.1.inp, you would type

mplus ex3.1.inp

Question: How do I open a Terminal window?
Answer: The Terminal app can be found in the Utilities folder under Applications.

Question: How do I change directory in the Terminal app?
Answer: Use the cd command as follows
cd folder

replacing folder with the name of the folder/directory you want to change to.

Question: How do I view Mplus plots on the Mac?
Answer: The Mplus plot feature is not currently available for Mac OS X. The Mplus plot data file (GH5) may be opened in R to view some plots. Please see the Mplus and R page on our website at for more information.