Mixture Add-On
What's New In Version 3
Mixture Modeling
Improved and simplified analysis
Random starts
Automatic starting values for thresholds and intercepts
Simplified input
New growth language
New types of outcomes
Counts - Poisson and zero-inflated Poisson modeling
Censored - Censored-normal and censored-inflated normal modeling
Nominal - unordered polytomous (multinomial) modeling
Multiple categorical latent variables
Loglinear modeling, loglinear latent class modeling
Latent transition analysis, hidden Markov modeling, including mixtures and covariates
Multiple group analysis using known class
Latent class analysis with random effects
Conditional dependence
Discrete-time survival mixture frailty analysis
Factor mixture modeling with categorical outcomes
Prediction of categorical latent variables
Observed dependent variables predicting latent classes
Factors predicting latent classes
Twin latent class analysis with ACE factors
Growth mixture modeling with categorical, counts, or censored-normal outcomes and within-class random effect variances